Benefits of Link Building You Probably Don’t Know

Links are very much the essence of the whole World Wide Web, which is why it’s called web. The Internet is basically a connection of links that leads to various content. As a business owner or blogger, you’d want the search engine algorithms to pick up on your website link; and that’s why search engine optimization or SEO is being done.

One part of SEO is called link building. This practice aims to optimize the link quality, since the higher the link quality then the better your website will rank in search engines. If it’s your first time to hear about linking and how it works in the Internet, you’ll want to learn more about it from a company specializing in it before setting out to do it on your own.

Here are some link building benefits that most people don’t know about:

  • Link building can make it easier for your site to land a spot in any search engine’s first page of results.

A website is a business investment. It’s a digital home for a company’s products and services; however, if your website is not on the first page of any search engine then all its aesthetics will go to waste. There are numerous efforts to land that first page. You can try to overhaul your entire website design in an attempt to climb the SEO ladder but link building is highly recommended.

Link building may entail you to do additional work for your website to achieve a ranking high enough to warrant it a slot in any search engine’s first page of results. The world’s leading search engine, Google, has issued a brief statement in 2016 where they said that links pointing back to your site are a top ranking factor. Other search engines, of course, follow Google’s lead.

The effort you’ll put into building links would be more than worth it, especially once your website starts receiving an influx of visitors after its ranking shoots up into a search engine’s top ten.

  • Link building can help your website acquire a higheramount of visitors than relying on organic search alone.

Some of your website’s visitors may have found out about it while looking for something online using their preferred search engine. However, most others won’t find out about your site by organic search alone wherein a search engine lists results based on the keywords that those users entered there with the closest ones displayed first. Instead, they’ll most likely come across it while reading content from a different website that used any of its pages as a link.

So if you want to increase visitor traffic to your website, you can’t just sit and wait for people to chance upon it or for other sites to link to any of its pages. You’ll have to approach and ask different site owners to use a page from yours as a link in any of their content.

Of course, the page that you want the other website to incorporate as a link should have content in it. Never ask any site to link to an empty page in yours. Also, the said page should have content that’s relevant to whatever niche the other website has chosen to tackle. Don’t ask a site that talks about fishing, for instance, if they can link to a page on yours wherein you wrote about how to make an electric guitar from scratch.

  • Link building can help you bridge the gap between your website and other more successful ones.

Having to ask whoever manages TED or some other high-authority website with an established online presence, thousands of followers on social media, and regularly updated content if they can link back to yours can feel out of reach to you at first. Bear in mind though that they most likely wouldn’t ask you out of the blue if they could use any page from your site and link to it, especially if you’re still new to your chosen niche. You’ll have to approach them yourself.

Link building lets you reach out to high-authority websites via email in the hopes that they’ll use yours as a link in any of the content that they put out. But how do you ensure that high-authority website owners you’ll contact would get back to you as soon as they can and not toss your link building outreach email into their junk folder or treat it as spam?

Here are some of the ways:

  • Introduce yourself.

When you meet someone at a social occasion, you try to build a connection with them by introducing yourself. The same goes for writing a link building outreach email, and you’ll have to provide information about your website as well to give the owner of the other one you’re contacting an idea of why they should give you a backlink. Even a two-sentence overview of what your site tackles would do just fine.

  • Keep a natural tone throughout your email.

Owners of established websites read dozens of link building outreach emails every day. Assume that they already know which ones sound as if an AI wrote them instead of an actual person. So when composing your outreach email, write as if you’re talking to the owner of the other website outside of the Internet.

Try to imagine how you’ll ask them to link back to your site if they decided to meet you at some restaurant, coffee shop, or any other quiet place where you two can hold a conversation about it.

  • Make your email brief and concise.

An owner of a high-authority website doesn’t have all day to read an email that looks as if it got torn off from the pages of a manuscript for a novel in progress. Keep your link building outreach email to them short as you can’t afford to waste their valuable time. Don’t turn it into an essay.

Make your intentions of building a link between your site and theirs clear as well. Don’t mince words at all to avoid sounding like a nervous amateur in your outreach email.

  • Tailor-fit your emails to each website.

If you want to contact more than a handful of owners of popular websites, it can get tempting to write only one link building outreach email and send it to all. While a convenient option, it can ruin your chances of acquiring backlinks to your site as you and most or even all of them operate in the same niche.

So instead of resorting to using templates for your link building outreach email, customize each letter to how you perceive a particular high-authority website to be. If a specific site where you want to garner backlinks has a more comedic tone to it, for example, don’t send its owner an overly serious link building outreach email that can cause them to reject it.

  • Link building can turn your website into a high-authority one in the long run.

You may think of link building at this point as piggyback riding on the success of other websites to make yours successful as well. That observation is only partially accurate since you’ll have to do a lot of legwork to earn backlinks by crafting useful and relevant content worth linking to as well as composing convincing outreach emails to owners of various sites within your preferred niche.

But your efforts to garner inbound links to your website from popular ones can pay off in the long run that it can eventually turn into a high-authority one as well. You can then see yourself receiving outreach emails from newer websites asking if you can link to any page of theirs which is why link building has proven to be a tried and tested tactic to gain leverage and recognition online.


Link building might initially sound to you as another one of those buzzwords that the tech sector likes to bandy around without fully knowing what it is. But if you don’t build links to your website, you won’t get to enjoy the benefits of link building you probably don’t know at all as listed above. You can’t afford to let your website remain unvisited and obscure for too long after all only because you didn’t build any inbound links to it.
